Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My final presentation, MAT 613

I don't know what this will look like.  The reason for making the post is, in part, to see if I can embed a prezi.  I believe that you can't view the video unless you're me.  It's got students in it, and they haven't signed off on using their content, so that part just isn't going to be available.

Paul Krugman explains just how essential math is

Ok, in truth, Krugman explains that arithmetic and intuition are the gold standards, and that anything else is superfluous.

The takeaway quote:
A colleague once explained to me that the optimal amount of math for an economist to know is always, of course, exactly the amount of math you personally happen to know — anyone who knows less just doesn’t have the tools, anyone who knows more is excessively teched up. Hey, I think the kids these days are taught way too much math. Also, they should get off my lawn.
How true it is.