Monday, October 29, 2012

SERGE resources

SERGE stands for Special Education Resources for General Educators. 

I like the link to Differentiated Instruction.  It has a description of the general process, (Figure out what you want your students to learn.  Find out what your students know.  Instruct with variety.  Use formative assessments.) and then links to a bunch of sites.

I can get help arranging my classroom to benefit everybody, including students with disabilities.  It doesn't have any actual prescriptions other than that I ought to talk to my students.  On the other hand, there are great links through to other sites.

The question of why minority populations are overrepresented in Special Education is a depressing one, but worth the consideration.  There's a lot of information here about what is the situation and what to do, and also the usual excellent selection of websites to go to.

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