Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Other Health Impairments Redux

Other Health Impairments: Danielle Hillas, Patrick Gardner


  • Other health impairment means having limited strength, vitality or alertness, including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli, that results in limited alertness with respect to the educational environment


  • Fatigue, Mobility issues, Issues involving attention, Coordination difficulties, Muscle weakness, Frequent absences or lateness’s to school, Stamina, inability to concentrate for long periods of time.

To name a few:

  • Seizure Disorder: epilepsy, or a physical condition when the brain changes suddenly and student shakes uncontrollably.
  • Sickle Cell Disease: blood cell shape cannot carry oxygen to cells effectively: fatigue.
  • Asthma/Allergies: largest group, student generally feel unwell or tired. (only sever cases receive accommodations other student fall under 504)
  • Chronic health impairments: sever burns, cancer, AIDS, Diabetes


  • Most Common: Helping student make up missed work.

Less rigid rules for participation, due dates etc..

  • Emotional: find out student problems and help them find strategies by writing or drawing their struggles.
  • Provide materials with featuring students with similar struggles: books, movie.
  • Work with families!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Learning Strategies:
  • Check knowledge through verbal responses.
  • Marking or circling correct answers on worksheets works better than filling in blanks.
  • Break tasks into small parts.
  • Assistance with organization of materials and lesson (particularly those with AD/HD).
  • Modification should only be made when necessary.

Student Support:

  • Medical Services: Services provided by a professional physiciah, which determines the child’s medically related disability.
  • School heath services/school nurse: Services provided by the school to ensure a student receives the medical services described in their IEP.
  • Alternative school settings, Homebound instruction, Services provided by the hospital, Adaptive/assistive technology.


  • National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities:

  • Project Ideal:

  • National Association of Special Education Teachers:

  • National Resource Center AD/HD:

  • CHADD of Utah:

  • Including Students with Special Needs

Friend Marilyn, Bursuck William, Incuding students with special needs, (2012), 193-196.

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